Dreamy Autumn Garden

A definite favourite and most popular choice is our signature florist choice dreamy garden, a seasonal florist choice bouquet with a gardeny feel and hues similar to the photo. These bouquets include the best flowers that the season has to offer and the treasures our growers pick for us and those we find at our suppliers each day.  Flowers vary daily and are always florist choice. We sure love creating this one for you with all our faves in on the day.

Before ordering please scroll through and read all the required information for delivery and collection.

Do you need Chocolates? A Candle? A Card? Just click the links for our selection or for more little treats head over to Little Something Extras

Minimum Price from $85.00

For your bespoke bouquet we suggest the following price points or just enter a price somewhere in between:

Petite from $85 to $100

Lovely from $110 to $125

Gorgeous from $130 to $150

Magnificent from $160 to $190

Breathtaking $200 to $300+

Our Big-As Bouquets $325-350 to $500+++


Dreamy Garden

* Please note that due to the seasonal nature of New Zealand flowers, we may need to substitute certain varieties or exact blooms in case flowers or colours or certain varieties as pictured may not be available. Everything we create is custom designed and each bouquet is always different, photos on our website serve as a general look and feel of style and possible colours for a this type of bouquet. We will do our very best to ensure you will receive the finest blooms and will create a similar look in style and colour to your choice of picture. We will gladly discuss all of your options with you as our selection is always fresh and changes on a daily basis.

Collection Notes: Please state your collection time within our opening hours in the note box when ordering.

Delivery Notes:  

Delivery service Monday-Friday: 

North Shore local vicinity deliveries must be placed before 2 PM NZ for same day delivery.  CBD and business deliveries must be placed before 11:30 AM and Auckland wide residential deliveries must be placed before 1 PM NZ for same day delivery. 

Residential deliveries will be made in the afternoon/pm) only. Please contact us for special requests, extra charges will incur for timed deliveries or re-deliveries and we cannot guarantee any special timed requests but will try our best to accommodate you.

AM delivery service is currently available in limited areas only, please contact us in advance. Business deliveries take priority over residential. Local vicinity and CBD business delivery service available only, sorry there is no business service to greater Auckland businesses. CBD timed delivery service and special courier requests will incur extra charges.

Delivery service on Saturdays: 

Afternoon (pm) delivery service available only.  North Shore deliveries must be placed before 10:30 AM NZ for same day Saturday delivery.  Auckland wide residential deliveries must be placed before 9 AM NZ for same day Saturday delivery. Business service, specialist couriers or timed deliveries are not available on a Saturday

Sunday and Statutory Holidays – Closed  (no delivery or collections available)

Please provide us with all the necessary details such as first and last names, company names, floor levels and the correct addresses and NZ mobile telephone numbers and or landlines and gate codes if required. The floral couriers will not be able to deliver to gated properties without recipients being home or leave flowers unattended outside of gates unless instructed on site by the recipient who must be home at the time to retrieve them. They cannot and will not enter properties with chained or loose dogs, and will not be able to make several delivery attempts without incurring charges for each delivery attempt. We will try to accommodate any of your special delivery requests but cannot guarantee timed deliveries, courier capacity, courier service times for your chosen delivery area or traffic for instance. We assume that if you are sending flowers on a particular day, that you know the recipient will be home to receive them. Flowers will be doorstopped at your own risk if recipients are not home. Please provide us with all the correct delivery information when placing your order.

Hospital Deliveries: 

Please provide us with the correct ward and the patient’s mobile and check that the recipient may receive flowers and will not be discharged that day or by the time our couriers arrive at the hospital before placing your order. Our couriers can only deliver to designated reception areas and are not allowed directly into patients rooms. Bouquets to hospital will automatically be delivered in a water-source in our Florienne giftbag. Please allow an extra $10 for this when ordering a bouquet.

Additional Notes:

*Please look after your flowers as hot temperatures during summer and hot homes or heaters in winter can wilt and decrease the life span of cut flowers, do not place cut flowers directly in sun or hot rooms or in the line of fans or aircon draughts. Please recut flowers on arrival and place in clean fresh water. Different types of flowers have different types of lifespans. For instance certain varieties normally will last only last 3-5 days, especially in summer, such as some Dahlias or Tulips, some Roses are 3-5 day rose varieties whereas others are 7-10 and flowers such as Cymbidium Orchids can often last even longer. On average expect any cut flowers that are being cared for under normal house conditions to last 4-6 days, and many varieties can often last longer than that. Please recut flowers regularly, it is important you look after them and they have plenty of clean water at all times, especially if wilting from heat. Summer temperatures can cause pre-mature wilting and you must recut your flowers immediately to revive them. Refresh or top up water levels on a daily basis if you can. Remove pollen from Lilies. Please recut Hydrangeas on arrival and recut them often to increase longevity, and spray mist their heads daily. Summer temperatures and conditions can cause softening or even wilt in Hydrangeas. Recut immediately, spraymist or even dunk their heads to revive them. You must contact us immediately on arrival or within 24 hours if you are having any issues and we will gladly discuss them with you and help you solve any issue, after this time we are not able guarantee or replace perishable products that are not being cared for in our controlled environment.

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