Gold! at the New Zealand Flower and Garden Show for ‘Bloom Wherever you are Planted’
We won Gold for our large 6m x 7m display at the 2017 NZFGS. My frame was built by hand with metal rods and woven birch and shaped into this garden tunnel. Glass tubes were attached to the frame as well as floating rods and filled with water for the flowers. The display created an eternal garden vision of growing and floating flowers. A huge thanks to NZFGS, the NZ Paeonia Society, Van Lier Nurseries, NFPG and Pick NZ, Jo from the Wild Bunch for all the birch, my fab team and floral students for all your generous help
‘Bloom Wherever You Are Planted’
In the past century Dutch and European migrants put their roots down in New Zealand and brought with them Northern hemisphere flowers. Key pioneering blooms such as Roses, Peonies, Carnations and Tulips, along with plant knowledge and tenacious growing skills.The whimsical garden showcases each of these key blooms and surrounds the tunnel vision metal and twig frame that was tenaciously built by hand from the ground up.Floriculture blossomed and these cut flowers are now widely known, grown, traded and popular within New Zealand and world wide via the export market.‘Bloom Wherever You Are Planted’ celebrates this heritage and being from the Netherlands myself these are familiar blooms in a new country.
Photo courtesy of NZFGS | Sacha Stejko